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April 20, 2009

Time Warp

TIME WARP reveals our world in astonishing and spectacular new ways by radically changing the lens of time. We will be able to see and appreciate things that are normally beyond our senses because they take place much too quickly, or too slowly.

Here's the official announcement:
"Want to see what really happens while we're playing? Discovery Channel's "Time Warp" came to HQ about a month ago with their high speed cameras to film us in action and the results air on Wednesday, April 29 at 8:00 pm. It you haven't checked it out before, "Time Warp" is hosted by brainiac MIT scientist and teacher Jeff Lieberman along with digital-imaging expert Matt Kearney . . . they use new technologies to film all kinds of "ordinary" events and slow it way down so you can see the activity in a whole new light. "